It’s not you. It’s not them, It's the season. 
Carlyn Timp, LPC Carlyn Timp, LPC

It’s not you. It’s not them, It's the season. 

At some point in your life you will probably experience a season of disconnection or loneliness. Getting older comes with different seasons in life which may impact your schedule, priorities, needs, energy, mental health and more. This ultimately affects our relationships and how they shift over time. It’s common with the changes to feel isolated, lonely, envious, or even rejected.

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Turning Well-Intentioned Self Love into Intentional Self Love
Relationships, Blog Post, Self-Love, Self-Acceptance Maddie Graham, LSCSW Relationships, Blog Post, Self-Love, Self-Acceptance Maddie Graham, LSCSW

Turning Well-Intentioned Self Love into Intentional Self Love

The concept of self-love has wildly evolved. This phrase can be viewed as honoring your emotions, avoiding conflict, taking care of your health, putting your needs above others, treating yourself any chance you get, etc. None of these are inherently good or bad, but I want to focus on an overall balance of the concept. Webster’s Dictionary has multiple definitions for the phrase, but the one that resonates with me most is, “proper regard for, and attention to, one's well-being.” To truly focus on true, overall well-being, will require discomfort at times, and possibly making shifts in various areas. Now, let’s dig into what this looks like and how self-love can become a more regular and balanced practice in your life.

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How to Live Intentionally
Grace Scott, LMFT Grace Scott, LMFT

How to Live Intentionally

Intentionality, what a dream! Life has a unique way of intervening with this goal. Responsibilities in hand, deadlines to meet, people to take care of.. the list could go on. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck on a loop, of just getting by, not even being able to fathom how another week has passed. How can we reclaim this time in a purposeful way?

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4 Ways to Combat Negative Body Image
Maddie Graham, LSCSW Maddie Graham, LSCSW

4 Ways to Combat Negative Body Image

97% of women have at least one negative thought about their body daily, and 80% or more are dissatisfied with their physical appearance or struggle with body image. Sadly, these statistics are not exactly surprising, as we have learned to be critical, and hyper aware of our bodies. It is not always obvious the ways people communicate the value they place on physical appearance. This can be shown through compliments relating to physical appearance, negative comments when looking at a photo or in a mirror, discussing the newest diet fads, or bringing attention to the amount of or type of food someone is eating.

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Life After: Student Athlete
Blog Post Carlyn Timp, LPC Blog Post Carlyn Timp, LPC

Life After: Student Athlete

Transitioning out of being an athlete and into my body today. Addressing body image and expectations through the transition from being an athlete to the next phase of adulting.

As an athlete at any level, no one really prepares you for when that chapter of your life comes to an end. It’s a transition that can feel bittersweet with a mix of excitement and grief

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Navigating Blended Families
Maddie Graham, LSCSW Maddie Graham, LSCSW

Navigating Blended Families

Coming from a blended family myself, I thought I would have a leg up when it came to having my own blended family. While I do believe I have unique insight due to my childhood experiences with having divorced parents and two blended families, I have come to realize navigating a blended family goes far beyond the four walls of the home. Blending a family requires intentional communication, selflessness, clear boundaries and expectations, a firm foundation, support, and empathy for all involved.

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The Way You Talk to Yourself Matters
Tara Westerhouse, LCPC, PMH-C Tara Westerhouse, LCPC, PMH-C

The Way You Talk to Yourself Matters

When was the last time you checked in about your relationship with yourself? How are you caring for yourself? Your relationship with yourself is the most powerful relationship you will have, and it’s worth your time and investment.

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Handling the Holidays After Loss
Grief/Loss, Holiday Season Caity Gable, LSCSW Grief/Loss, Holiday Season Caity Gable, LSCSW

Handling the Holidays After Loss

Grief is hard at any point in life, but grief around the holiday season just seems to hit a little differently. The holiday season is not just about the actual day, whether that's Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, etc. Part of the excitement that comes with the holidays is the preparation and energy leading up to the holidays. Holidays can be reminders of happy memories, but they can also illuminate the absence of someone special.

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