Spring Cleaning: Clearing the Way for Your Authentic Self

Spring has finally arrived, and I don’t know about you, but I am excited about the warmer weather, the beautiful flowers, and the ability to start getting outside more! It’s been something that I’ve been looking forward to for some time. One thing that is synonymous with spring is spring cleaning. It can feel so good to reset yourself for spring– swap out those winter clothes for spring/summer clothes, get the house clean from top to bottom, and start on any home projects that you have been putting off through the winter. Now, what if I told you that there is a whole other aspect of spring cleaning that you likely do not have on your radar? That thing is YOU!

Have you ever considered taking the time to reflect on the growth that you’ve been making, and also giving yourself opportunities to align with the changes you want to see for yourself? Spring can be a great time to renew the ways you think and behave to really show up in the ways that are important to you. I want you to try this: think of goals that you’ve set for yourself, and the reasons why you’ve set these goals. Are your thoughts, behaviors, and actions aligning with your goals? Are you taking opportunities to create the space to show up authentically in a way that compliments your sense of self that you’re striving for?

Self-Exploration & Cultivating a Strong Sense of Self

Self-exploration is necessary to be able to identify your true sense of self or to recognize when parts of yourself have changed. I don’t know about you, but I am glad that I am a totally different person compared to who I was in various other parts of my life (I’m talking to you, 18-year-old Caity ). Here are some questions to reflect on while exploring ways to strengthen your sense of self:

  • What behaviors or beliefs do I want to let go of?

  • How have I grown and developed over the last few years?

  • Who are the people that I can rely on to support me through tough times?

  • What goals do I have for myself, specifically focusing on the next twelve months?

  • Are my behaviors and actions aligning with my goals?

  • When do I show up as the most authentic version of myself? What are the things that feel authentically me?

  • What are my strengths and areas for growth?

  • If I were able to eliminate perceived barriers, what is something that I would want to have (or be) in my life?

I want to challenge you to explore the past and present parts of yourself with curiosity and without judgment! It can be hard to open up the dusty closets of your mind and look at who you’ve been, and who you want to be. It will be so much easier if you allow yourself to explore all of these parts with love and understanding that we aren’t perfect, and that change doesn’t mean that we were “wrong” or “bad” in the past. We were simply trying to succeed with the knowledge, tools, and beliefs that we had in those moments.

Sense of self refers to the way that you perceive yourself as a whole. It’s various aspects of your identity, which can include your values, personality, dreams and goals, relationships, and roles that you occupy. Everyone’s sense of self looks different, and, typically, you may have different versions of yourself throughout your lifespan. Having a strong sense of self means that you allow for all parts of yourself, including the parts that may be hard to accept. Think about how freeing it would be to accept and allow for the parts of yourself that you often try to keep hidden away; or how it could feel empowering to acknowledge those parts and also work on ways to soften or change them. 

Authentically and Unapologetically You

What do you think you would need to authentically and unapologetically show up as yourself? You’ve considered ways to explore aspects of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as the goals and desires that you have for yourself. You deserve to continue to explore these things, and to create space to show up as your authentic self! The journey to discovering those parts of yourself can be daunting at times but think about how it could also be an incredible gift and experience to be unapologetically you. If you need support in the journey to discovering these parts of yourself, reach out to The Counseling Co. so we can support you in becoming the best version of yourself.




Fighting Perfectionism