How To Fight The Sunday Scaries

Most of us have experienced them and others of us have made it an unhealthy habit.  Those Sunday scaries can rob us of down-time away from work and put us in a negative headspace going into a work week.

So what exactly are the Sunday scaries?  

Some refer to them as the Sunday blues, but no matter how you label it, they are feelings of anxiety or dread that happen the day before heading back to work.

The Sunday scaries happen to be very common and can show up as building anxiety over the course of the day, and may include physical symptoms like an upset stomach, sleep disturbance and headache.  The anticipation of the work week and the end of our time with family, friends or to relax is ending and this is what triggers these feelings. 

One common explanation for the Sunday scaries being so pervasive is that the transition from relaxation to work mode can require effort and in some cases be challenging.  Think about it, your cognitive load is much less as you go into a typical weekend and this allows you to relax.   

As the work week approaches, you begin to prepare your brain to take on the demands of work, including to do lists, adhering to a stricter schedule, balancing work/life, and navigating relationships and expectations you don’t face outside of the work setting. 

So, how do we shift our mindset to allow us to start enjoying our Sundays and also make the transition back to work?

Here are few strategies to allow a better balance between preparing for the week and making the most out of the time away from work…

  • Don’t leave all the to do’s for Sunday

Consider prepping things throughout your week or even on Saturday.  Spreading out “to

            do’s” so everything isn’t waiting until Sunday to be completed.  

  • Find time to unplug

    Evaluate how you are disengaging from work during your personal time.  Are you still 

checking emails? Taking phone calls?  Spending time thinking about work related  

issues?  Identifying and implementing boundaries around your time can be helpful in 

            managing the separation between work and life.    

  • Sprinkle in rest + fun

Identifying ways you can honor your need to rest, relax and have fun during your

weekend.  Nothing feels more frustrating than looking back at your weekend and not 

allowing ourselves time to rest our bodies and engage in activities we enjoy.   

  •  Create a routine you can look forward to on Monday morning

Consider options to create a new routine to transition into your week.  Would incorporating meal prep, journaling, a more intentional bed-time routine, waking earlier, or movement add value to your existing routine?

If you have experienced the Sunday scaries and are wanting to make a change, consider where would you be willing to start?  Small, incremental changes can be beneficial to creating better balance between our work and home life. Develop a written plan and commit to trying it for a limited period of time.  See what works best for you and then make adjustments.  Make the decision to take back your Sundays!



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