Redefining Mom Guilt
Blog Post Tara Westerhouse, LCPC, PMH-C Blog Post Tara Westerhouse, LCPC, PMH-C

Redefining Mom Guilt

I truly believe social media has impacted our parenting experience (specifically for mamas in my generation) and has amplified feelings of guilt and shame. There are accounts we follow hoping to gain knowledge and resources as new parents, but the content we are consuming quickly becomes what we view as the “right” way to do things. It becomes a pattern of all-or-nothing thinking. When we see things posted on social media, it turns into all the things I’m *not* doing - enter feelings of guilt and shame. It can be really beneficial to do an emotional check-in with social media. How are you feeling before engaging in content, and how are you feeling after? Are there certain accounts you might need to unfollow in this season of life? Is the information you’re consuming helping or hurting?

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